Wednesday, June 13, 2007

School's out for summer

Oh how I wish it was out forever! Well, at least I can listen to the Ramones and pretend, right? Come Tuesday, however, I will officially be free to do whatever I want (if I'm not working and I can find a sitter, okay, not whatever I want, but I won't have to be on school on Tuesday and Thursday nights until 9:30!) Then microbiology in the fall and perhaps a little more Spanish just for fun. Yes, I said fun, if you know Nancy Barclay, Spanish is fun, alright?!

Okay, Carole, stop talking about school already, summer, foucus, summer! I am in the initial stages of planning bbq/movie nights, so if any of you would like to attend and have suggestions, let me know. It will be a kid-friendly ordeal and possibly once a week. I will also be going to farmer's market on Tuesday mornings so if anyone wants to park here and walk over, hit me up! That will be all for today, wish me luck on the finals.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Here we go...

Well, there goes my last excuse. I am gearing up for finals and the school card is expiring. No time like the present to entertain my friends with my most exciting life (right). I was given a push (thanks Jaime) by a great friend and I know she's right. It's time to give something back. Of all the friends who post blogs and entertain us on almost a daily basis, I need to offer a little entertainment of my own. Don't expect to see my pole dancing pictures, though, you don't get to see those for free. Instead, here's one of Sara and I. She's gone to pursue a career and I miss her bunches. I'm thinking road trip here real soon.