Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bloggy McBloggerson

Sometimes random stuff is just plain fun. Besides, who couldn't use a little distraction from everday life.

New favorite show (recommended only for the strong-stomached, mind you):
Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmern...this guy travels worldwide to find the strangest things to put in his mouth. I just finished an episode where he is touring Bolivia eating such yummy treats as boiled armadillo and soup made from fermented, freeze dried potatoes. He then washes it all down with a drink whose name translates into "booger juice". Allllrigghtty then! The most amazing part is all this gross stuff harfly gets to him. He comments, but never makes a face!

Oh, and i'm getting education along with my entertainment: I found out where Lake Titicaca is located. And it's South America's second-largest lake! Who knew? And I though it was just a word for Beavis and Butthead to make fun of (oh, c'mon, you remember The Great Cornholio, heh heh heh).

And totally different subject, but if you haven't read the myspace blog I posted today, you totally should. Here's the link:

In short it's all about how a good portion of the vegetation being grown to support biofuels (ethanol in particular) is the major cause of rain forest destruction. So, less carbon emissions equals massive deforestation. Great. I'm no tree-hugger -not by a longshot- but the rainforests contain some really cool animals, and well, I love all the little animals. go. Read it. Lemme know what you think. I'm all about critical thinking, even bigger on feedback when I find an inteesting subject.

I must apologize for going environmental, this was supposed to be random crap having nothing to do with serious life stuff. That being said...seriously, Audrina, can you put your top back on already?!?

Says Kristin: "She's young, she did her thing, whatever," .... "She looks good. Her body is bangin'!"

Yeah, whatever, I guess if she's got shades on and we can't see the creepy eyes, she looks like your typical 'Girl Gone Wild'.

Oh, and Duncan says that between Monster Truck Jam and Wrestlemania, we should just put the Mustang up on blocks in our front yard and call it a Redneck kinda day! Hilarious!