Monday, September 17, 2007

Talk about a blast from the past

I was going through all of my old e-mails from when my computer was broken and I came across that beauty over there. Leave it up to Robin (or rather Robin's mom who found these in the old Volvo we grew up with) to send over the cutest pictures from our teens. I remember the clothes and stuff, but for the life of me I cannot figure out where we took these photos. Obviously a photo booth, Robin seems to remember either the Fairfield Mall or Scandia. I can totally remember going to either of these just for fun. The mall is well, the mall, but Scandia is a miniature golf course/mini raceway/batting cages/bumper boat/arcade/pizza parlor that still to this day keeps me entertained for hours on end (even though I haven't been in years). The other girl is Jennifer Desaulniers (I think it's a French name, although Miss Jennifer was not French in any way) who was a great friend of ours in junior high along with Sheryl Campos, both of whom we lost track and I miss dearly. Well, that's what I looked like circa 1991-ish. Kinda cute, huh?


Jaime said...

Silver hoops, plaid shirt and curled under bangs. SOOOO 91'. I love it.