Monday, December 8, 2008

Nursing school, aka Life consumer

Well, that's about the size of it. So much for a housewarming party. Hmmm, mebbe a Christmas party is in order. It's finals week and I am surprised to have a free moment. I guess because the worst is over and I actually have a week where I don't have a paper due, and I'm not in clinicals until damn neat 9pm. It's been a wild ride, to say the least. The mantra that has gotten me this far (in my half sane condition, which is the best I could ask for) is: "If it were easy, either everyone would be a nurse, or patients would be really scared" haha. No, it's not easy, but I don't believe that any health care education should be. If it is, you're either a genius, or you don't know what you are doing! Here's a photo of our linical group and our instructor. I'll keep updates posted, and I'll be partying for the next month or so...starting this Friday.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is no joke. Not that I thought it would be. But when someone told me that they spent a grand on books for nursing school, I thought it was an exaggeration. It's totally not. Those books you see are just for the first year. Well, I'm very near a grand in just books now and with my uniform, it puts me over. Add in all the immunizations, CPR class, and background check (yes, background check, as in criminal...just be assured that your nurses are not ex-cons), and I don't know my total exactly, but it was enough to apply for a student loan. I just wish someone would have sat me down and told me straight up, "Hold on to your shit because this is going to rock your financial world."
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. Other than my finacial status, I am over the moon. I put on that uniform that says "Nursing student" and I am as proud as I was the day that my son was born, or the first time he spelled his name. It's almost indescribable. I always said I was going to be great, but I didn't know it was going to feel this good. I'm doing it! I may never be rich, or famous, or a Pulitzer Prize winner, but I am going to be the best damn nurse you have ever seen. Just as soon as I pay off these loans...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Optimistic, but still bittersweet

Moving forward is a part of life, but no one ever said it was easy. I have been with Tahoe Keys Resort since November 2000. If you're doing the math, that's before the kid, the wedding, before I grew up actually. Just because you're 18 or 21 doesn't mean you're grown up. I was very immature when I started with this company and the age of 23. Although I can't credit them soley with helping me along, this company has been a huge part of my life over the years. The reality that I will no longer be a Tahoe Keys Resort employee after the 15th is kinda bittersweet. Don't get me wrong, I am SUPER excited to start nursing school, leaving a job where I feel like a family member is not easy. I've met lifelong friends and learned so many things along the way. Helping people is part of who I am, and helping people plan a vacation has been such a blast. I am going to miss it dearly.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's been awhile

The story goes:
1. I got accepted to Western Nevada College's nursing program...not Yale, I know, but all the naysayers told me basically I'd never get in on my first try.HA! In your face! Nooo, not bitter at all, why do you ask?
2. The rough patch about kindergarten. Please see me for details, I have major problems our public school system that are too in-detail to get into here. Long story short: I'd homeschool if I had the's that bad.
3. We are oficially moving as of today. No, we are not buying just yet. We are renting a sa-weet home in the Indian Hills area of Carson City. Stay tuned for house warming bbq party details, there will be more to come. You Tahoe people didn't think you'd get rid of us that easy, did you?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This just in...

A real conversation heard at the bar today:

"yeah, she was in earlier, you know her, she's in here every day"

"Oh, the one with the face that looks like it caught on fire, then somebody put it out with a brick?"

"That's the one"

HAHAHA! I have no idea who they were referring to. Maybe Hatchet Face is a regular.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Bloggy McBloggerson

Sometimes random stuff is just plain fun. Besides, who couldn't use a little distraction from everday life.

New favorite show (recommended only for the strong-stomached, mind you):
Bizzare Foods with Andrew Zimmern...this guy travels worldwide to find the strangest things to put in his mouth. I just finished an episode where he is touring Bolivia eating such yummy treats as boiled armadillo and soup made from fermented, freeze dried potatoes. He then washes it all down with a drink whose name translates into "booger juice". Allllrigghtty then! The most amazing part is all this gross stuff harfly gets to him. He comments, but never makes a face!

Oh, and i'm getting education along with my entertainment: I found out where Lake Titicaca is located. And it's South America's second-largest lake! Who knew? And I though it was just a word for Beavis and Butthead to make fun of (oh, c'mon, you remember The Great Cornholio, heh heh heh).

And totally different subject, but if you haven't read the myspace blog I posted today, you totally should. Here's the link:,9171,1725975,00.html

In short it's all about how a good portion of the vegetation being grown to support biofuels (ethanol in particular) is the major cause of rain forest destruction. So, less carbon emissions equals massive deforestation. Great. I'm no tree-hugger -not by a longshot- but the rainforests contain some really cool animals, and well, I love all the little animals. go. Read it. Lemme know what you think. I'm all about critical thinking, even bigger on feedback when I find an inteesting subject.

I must apologize for going environmental, this was supposed to be random crap having nothing to do with serious life stuff. That being said...seriously, Audrina, can you put your top back on already?!?

Says Kristin: "She's young, she did her thing, whatever," .... "She looks good. Her body is bangin'!"

Yeah, whatever, I guess if she's got shades on and we can't see the creepy eyes, she looks like your typical 'Girl Gone Wild'.

Oh, and Duncan says that between Monster Truck Jam and Wrestlemania, we should just put the Mustang up on blocks in our front yard and call it a Redneck kinda day! Hilarious!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Girls and guys

Let me tell you, there is absolutely nothing in the world as great as hanging out with some old friends. Well, there was a mix of old and new with Amanda coming along :). Wendy and Robin came up for a visit and I bet you'll never guess what we did. Give up? Okay, we went shopping! It was a marathon day (Danny was absolutely the best trooper ever) going through Gottschalk's, Mervyn's, JC Penney, and Target. I think we hit every clearance section there was to hit. I must say I am very proud of my purchases as well. A sweet pair of jeans, new purse and wallet, and five or six tops (sorry, no photos yet except the one above, but most of you have seen at least one article, I've been wearing them ALL week). Of course, we had to go out for drinks later on. We hit Riva and had some awesome drinks, tons of laughs, even watched a couple feed each other wedding cake at their reception! We got to eat some of their wedding cake too. The singer loved our fork-as-a-microphone sing alongs so much that he was kind enough to snap a photo of us in front of the fireplace. Side note- I totally forgot what kind of damage 3 wet woodys can do to you. I guess it's just prepping me for summer rum runner time.

Robin likes her martinis dirty (with extra eyeballs)

Oh, I mentioned something about guys, didn't I? No, it wasn't just to keep you reading. I had to show you my little guy lounging on the new bean bags at Amanda's house. And, might I mention, he helped me pay bills online just a little while ago. Guess my little guy's not so little anymore, huh?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dude, where's my yard?

I was cracking myself up today, chest deep in snow. I decided to walk Danny over to the neighbor's...okay, 5 blocks, to the superbowl party...and I attempted to get a sled out of the shed in the back...
There is no yard. I am willing to bet there is a good 5 feet of snow in the back of my house. Well, no sleds, they are probably buried. Danny had a great time greeting all of the neighbors shoveling and blowing out their driveways. My new Sorels had a workout and did very well, I might add.
Despite getting stuck in our own driveway coming home tonight, I am having fun in all of this snow!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tired because I'm sick, or sick because I'm tired?

I can't figure out which one it is. In any event, I slept away about 85% of my day. No work, laundry or cooking for me! Perhaps my mind and body need a break. I have been going in two thousand different directions between keeping up with medical issues, coordinating school for the fall, two jobs and tending to the fam. It's been a wild ride to say the least. Well, at least there's humor in it all. Here's one of Danny daring us to "Bring it on". Oh, it's already been brought-en!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

get this boy a sponsor, he's going pro!

Let me tell you, the first time on a chair lift, and he didn't fall once! A half day at Sierra, a rockin' lunch up on the top deck (really good burgers and mac salad!), we hardly even noticed how packed it was on the second day of he new year. I can't tell you how proud I am of this kid. Just 5 years old and he is skiing! I had ahold of him halfway down the bunny run, then I let him go...of course behind him the whole time shouting "Pizza, pizza, pizza"! He did so great, I can't wait for the next trip up!